Hayden Field: Page 10

Entrepreneur Staff
Associate Editor

Hayden Field is an associate editor at Entrepreneur. She covers technology, business and science. Her work has also appeared in Fortune Magazine, Mashable, Refinery29 and others. 

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Latest: Page 10

Business News

Elon Musk Predicts Tesla's Future and 4 Other Key Takeaways From the Q3 Earnings Call

It was Elon Musk's last earnings report as company chairman after an SEC settlement, at least for the next three years.

Money & Finance

60-Second Video: Who Won the Mega Millions Jackpot?

Here are three things entrepreneurs should know today.

Social Media

The Creator of WeRateDogs Makes Five Figures a Month By Posting Cute Canines Online. Here's How.

Matt Nelson rates dogs of all shapes and sizes across social media -- and he's built up a following of more than 7 million.

Buying / Investing in Business

98 Percent of VC Funding Goes to Men. Can Women Entrepreneurs Change a Sexist System?

Last year, the largest VC deal for a female team was $165 million -- a stark contrast to that for males, which was $3 billion.

Social Media

Instagram, Oculus, WhatsApp and More: Here's How Things Panned Out for 5 Founders Who Sold to Facebook

Instagram's founders are leaving Facebook. Here's what happened to other entrepreneurs who sold their companies to the social media giant.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk Says He'll Offer Free Underground Tunnel Rides in Los Angeles This December

The Boring Company's CEO says the first mass transit tunnel will be completed by Dec. 10.