Jennifer Wang: Page 7

Writer and Content Strategist

Jennifer Wang is a Los Angeles-based journalist and content strategist who works at a startup and writes about people in startups. Find her at

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Latest: Page 7

Business News

Anatomy of the Game

The global gaming industry is expected to reach $40 billion in revenue by 2012.1 Here are some cheat codes to help you win a piece of it.

Social Media

How ShareSquare Is Leading the QR-Code Marketing Pack

This Los Angeles-based company helps fans connect with bands and brands using quick-response codes. Plus, a look at other game-changers in the social-media space.

Thought Leaders

How Polyvore Became a Trend-Setter in Social Shopping

This online community tells your network what to wear. Plus, a look at more ground-breakers in social commerce.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How Betterworks Is Helping Startups Perk Up Their Perks

This Santa Monica, Calif.-based service boosts benefits for strapped startups. Plus, a look at game changers in the startup business-to-business space.


Guy Kawasaki on the Art of Enchantment

The business guru shares his views on how to be really winning.


Patagonia Founder Yvon Chouinard on His Latest Social Venture

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard is using music, fish and--of course--clothing to fuel environmental causes.