Jim Joseph: Page 8

Marketing Master - Author - Blogger - Dad

Jim Joseph is a commentator on the marketing industry. He is Global President of the marketing communications agency BCW, author of The Experience Effect series and an adjunct instructor at New York University.

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Latest: Page 8


Set Your Prices So It's a Win, Win, Win

Not only should you charge based on the product sold, but also on what your brand represents to customers.


Further Engage Customers By Creatively Distributing Your Brand

There's more to distribution than just keeping your shelves stocked with products.

Growing a Business

Move Your Business Forward By Drawing a Perceptual Map

It's almost impossible to think progressively when you are spending so much time dealing with today and the day-to-day demands of the daily grind.


Your Business's Competitors Extend Well Past Those With Similar Products

Try this exercise out: Draw some circles, then fill them in with those vying for your customers' attention.


A SWOT Analysis Provides a Full Picture When Looking at a Product and a Brand

Only will you look at both dimensions will you have a well rounded and actionable look at your entire business.


Effective Marketers Sell to Customers on Both the Product and the Brand

Each perspective fills a different need for your market.