John Boitnott: Page 13

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Journalist, Digital Media Consultant and Investor

John Boitnott is a longtime digital media consultant and journalist living in San Francisco. He's written for Venturebeat, USA Today and FastCompany.

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Latest: Page 13

Resumes & Interviewing

5 Advantages Older Workers Have Over Other Job Candidates

There's a lot to be said for workers who prefer stability, and who are more willing to build years worth of experience at your company.

Green Entrepreneur

5 Ways to Transform Your Business into a Sustainable One

Building a sustainable business means more than getting everyone to recycle. It's about establishing new business strategies and team mindset.


5 formas de transformar su negocio en uno sostenible

Construir un negocio sostenible significa más que hacer que todos reciclen. Se trata de establecer nuevas estrategias comerciales y una mentalidad de equipo.

Social Media

How to Get Invited to Clubhouse

One of the hottest new social media apps -- Clubhouse -- is gaining in popularity while people are stuck inside their homes. Here's how to get an invite.


Hire Your Next Remote Team Member from One of These 20 U.S. Tech Hubs

This list of 20 top regional U.S. tech hubs reads like a diary of where all my friends and colleagues who left California for more space and opportunity went.


Contrate a su próximo miembro del equipo remoto de uno de estos 20 centros tecnológicos de EE. UU.

Esta lista de los 20 principales centros tecnológicos regionales de EE. UU. Parece un diario de dónde fueron todos mis amigos y colegas que dejaron California en busca de más espacio y oportunidades.