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Business News

How to Help Your Employees De-Stress During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. According to a Sleepopolis survey, eight out of ten Americans feel extra stress during the holidays. What's more, nearly...

Business News

The 10 Best Productivity Books of 2023

Today, staying on top of everything in such a fast-paced world is hard today. It can be challenging to concentrate on our work when we are constantly bombarded with information...

Business News

9 Ways to Automate Your Recruitment Process

Even though many of us are busy with the holidays and end-of-year business activities, leaders are already thinking about the new year. A major reason for this is that companies...

Business News

Optimize Your Day With Your Calendar

Time is a valuable commodity. It's something that can't be bought or returned. You can't redo how you spend your time or go back and ask for more time. How...

Business News

The Difference Between Gratitude and Thankfulness

It’s hard not to think about what you are grateful for during this time of year. That’s a no-brainer for many of us. One reason for this is that November...

Business News

Are You Making the Most of Time Pockets?

Are you ever feeling like there is never enough time in the day or that your schedule is always jam-packed? As time ticks by, you may experience what is known...