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Business News

10 of the Best Books on Social Security

Social Security benefits will eventually be paid to the majority of American workers. It may be possible to qualify for bigger Social Security payments and avoid payment reductions and withholdings...

Business News

Finance Gifts for the Financial Geek In Your Life

Shopping for financial geeks can be particularly challenging. Finance geeks are notorious for being hard to please due to their heart for value and their brains for constant cost-benefit analyses....

Business News

$1.2 Million Dollars in 6 Months – Retirement Strategy Secrets Revealed

What does financial independence feel like? Well, you won't have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck, and you’re free to pursue your passions, travel the world, or spend time...

Business News

8 Legitimate Retirement Fears & How to Overcome Your Real Money Fear

You are not alone if you habitually fear running out of funds during your retirement years. As much as 66% of US citizens are concerned about their finances running dry...

Business News

Freedom of Money – How Will You Spend Your Freedom

How would you love to celebrate your financial freedom when you have finally achieved it? Well, we all dream of cherishing this privilege, but few achieve it. So, your efforts...

Business News

Create a Retirement Plan in 15 Minutes (Free Template)

According to a 2021 survey conducted by the Federal Reserve, approximately 36% of non-retired adults in the United States felt that their retirement savings were on track, while 45% felt...