Jonathan Blum: Page 11

Jonathan Blum is a freelance writer and the principal of Blumsday LLC, a Web-based content company specializing in technology news.

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Latest: Page 11


Review: EditMe for Custom Collaboration Online

A new software tool sheds the cookie-cutter approach to working on Web-based shared documents.


An Elegant Desk Option for iPhones

Communicate your sense of style by connecting the Moshi Moshi 04i to your iPhone.

Business News

Keyboards That Don't Hurt

New keyboards offer improved ergonomics to make typing easier. Here are three options for less painful ways to work.


Review: Capsule, CRM for Small Business

The pros and cons of an online tool that focuses on managing the sales pipeline.

Science & Technology

The BlackBerry Torch, a Stylish and Functional Smartphone

The BlackBerry Torch lights up the smartphone showdown with a functionality that's all business.

Science & Technology

New High-Speed Hard Drives for Backing Up and Storing Business Data

The newest version of the USB standard takes the pace of business data management and backup to a whole new level.