Kim T. Gordon: Page 4

Kim Gordon is the owner of National Marketing Federation and is a multifaceted marketing expert, speaker, author and media spokesperson. Her latest book is Maximum Marketing, Minimum Dollars.

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Latest: Page 4


Take Charge of Your Marketing

Don't wait until business dips to start marketing. Begin today using these 3 important principles to develop your core message.

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It's Raining Men

In advertising, a good man is sometimes hard to find. So avoiding the stereotype trap can pay off with a barrage of male customers.

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Master Your Domain

Online marketing is key to business success. Here's how to get started.


4 Keys to Radio Advertising

From the buy to the spot, get expert advice on how to run a successful radio ad campaign.


The Power of Social Shopping Networks

Looking for ways to get people talking about your products? The new social shopping trend can help you build buzz.


12 Months of Holiday Promotions

Year-round, holidays are great hooks for all types of marketing promotions, provided you think outside the box.