Kim T. Gordon: Page 5

Kim Gordon is the owner of National Marketing Federation and is a multifaceted marketing expert, speaker, author and media spokesperson. Her latest book is Maximum Marketing, Minimum Dollars.

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Business News

Track Records

Why it's important to track your advertising results


4 Elements of a Winning Brand

When it comes to your image, are you hitting hard or striking out? Cover all your bases with these 4 critical elements of a winning brand.


Fresh Ideas for Innovative Marketing

Try these out-of-the-ordinary tactics for extraordinary results.


Marketing to Other Entrepreneurs

If you're marketing to other business owners, you need to offer the 7 things they want most--and learn how you can deliver them.


Using Experiential Marketing

Seeing is believing. Get customers to buy your products by giving them a first-hand experience.

Science & Technology

Creating a Content-Rich Website

Six tips for creating a compelling site your customers will buy from