Kim T. Gordon: Page 7

Kim Gordon is the owner of National Marketing Federation and is a multifaceted marketing expert, speaker, author and media spokesperson. Her latest book is Maximum Marketing, Minimum Dollars.

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Business News

No-Fail e-Mail

The art of writing e-mail marketing messages is a valuable one. So why haven't you mastered it yet?


Evolution Theory

Your customers' tastes are always changing. Question is, are your marketing efforts doing the same?


Creative Brainstorming Techniques

6 ways to come up with million-dollar marketing ideas


'Tis the Season for Business Gift-Giving

Don't have a lot to spend? With a little creativity, you can still let your business associates know you care.


Fame and Fortune

A campaign starring a celebrity spokesperson could be the ticket to off-the-chart marketing success.


Selecting the Best Media for Your Ad

Don't waste time and money. Here's how to choose the best place for your ads the first time.