Kim Walsh Phillips: Page 4

Founder of Powerful Professionals

Kim Walsh Phillips went from 32 clients to over 11,000 in less than a year and founded Powerful Professionals, a business coaching company that has been scaling consulting and coaching businesses. Phillips is the best-selling author of The No BS Guide To Direct Response Social Media Marketing.

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Social Media

The Starter Guide to Facebook Groups for Business

How to use a modern forum to grow your audience.

Social Media

Want the Sale? Ask for It in Your Facebook Ads.

You can't just expect to post content and reel in the money.

Social Media

4 Hidden Places You are Losing Leads on Your Facebook Page

Unlock the secrets of your Facebook business page, and earn more leads by optimizing these key areas.

Social Media

The ABCs of Facebook Live Video and Why You Need to Get Started Now

Want to reach your target market with a minimal budget? Learn how to leverage Facebook Live streaming to convert viewers into customers instantly.

Social Media

How to Scale Your Marketing Without a Marketing Budget

Stop leaving money on your table. Begin with your "juicy carrot," and start profiting while you generate new leads and customers today.

Social Media

How This Dessert Shop Got 20,000 Instagram Followers in 6 Months Without Advertising

What you can learn from this New York dessert shop's social media strategy.