Leena Rao: Page 2

Leena Rao is a senior writer at Fortune.

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Business News

Google Lifts the Veil on Android Pay, Its Apple Pay Competitor

In many ways, Android Pay is the evolution of Google Wallet.

Business News

Square Raises More Money to Make Small-Business Loans

In April, Square advanced nearly $25 million in capital.

Business News

Meet Color Genomics, the Startup That Wants to Make Genetic Testing Less Expensive

The Silicon Valley startup just raised $15 million in funding from PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, Yahoo's Jerry Yang and other high-profile investors.

Business News

Marc Andreessen: It's Shocking 'How Little M&A There's Been' in Tech

There has never been a more dangerous time to be an unprotected public company, the prominent Silicon Valley investor said at an event this week.

Business News

Facebook's Foray Into Payments: Should PayPal be Worried?

Maybe not but the move suggests a larger strategy.