Lisa Druxman

Lisa Druxman is's "Mompreneur" columnist and the founder and CEO of fitness franchise Stroller Strides. Druxman is also a nationally recognized speaker and author, and is considered an expert in the field of fitness, particularly pre- and postnatal fitness. She hosts a free monthly webinar during which she answers questions from fellow mompreneurs. If you are interested in participating, contact her at

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Grow Your Business With Intention

If you want to balance work and home, let others help you grow.


A Day in the Life . . . Part II

Mom entrepreneurs share how they achieve balance personally and professionally in the second part of a series.


5 Ways to Work Around the Kids

So you're home with your children and trying to work. It isn't easy, but it is possible.


4 Differences of Mompreneurs

Mom biz owners are different from other entrepreneurs in several ways. For one, motherhood inspires them.


Top 10 Must-Haves for Mompreneurs

Successful women biz owners weigh in on the people, places and things they can't live--or work--without.

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Keeping Your Marriage Intact

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