Madeline Garfinkle: Page 9

News Writer

Madeline Garfinkle is a News Writer at She is a graduate from Syracuse University, and received an MFA from Columbia University. 

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Latest: Page 9

Business News

Food Recalls Are on the Rise. Here's Why — And How to Find Them.

The uptick in recalls doesn't necessarily mean that the food we buy is "more contaminated" than it used to be.

Business News

Google Paid Apple Billions for Access to iPhone Users. Now the Partnership's Under Scrutiny in a U.S. Antitrust Lawsuit.

The U.S. Department of Justice is suing Google and alleging that the company unlawfully maintained its search engine dominance through exclusionary deals with partners like Apple.

Business News

'We're Taking a Huge Risk': Small Business Owner Struggle to Process Payments Amid Square Outages

Square experienced widespread outages on Thursday and Friday morning.

Business News

Apple Incurs $200 Billion Loss in 2 Days as China's iPhone Bans Shakes Stock Market Confidence

China is Apple's largest foreign market, accounting for a substantial portion of its revenue.

Business News

America's Largest Private Employer Is Reducing Starting Pay for New Workers. Here's Why — and What It Means for Retail.

Most new hires will now earn the lowest possible hourly wage for their respective store, unlike when they previously had the potential to earn more than other store workers in certain roles.

Business News

These Are The 10 Most Lucrative Majors — And 6 Have a Median Salary in 6 Figures

The degree with the highest median earning potential, electrical engineering, had a median salary of $110,000 and is composed of 85% of men and only 15% of women.