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Business News

Splunk is Suddenly Looking Like a Slam Dunk

Splunk's third quarter earnings report showed that the company's data analytics offerings remain highly relevant in a faltering economy.

Business News

CrowdStrike Selloff: It's Time For Investors to Strike

CrowdStrike's downside is likely a fraction of the long-term upside. It's looking like a good time for growth investors to build a position.

Business News

3 Dividend Growers With Good 2023 Growth Prospects

As economic uncertainty looms, these three dividend growers are among our favorites because of their healthy 2023 earnings growth forecasts.

Business News

Why Investors Are Eating Up Restaurant Brands International

A better-than-expected third quarter performance and a super-sized leadership announcement have traders bidding Restaurant Brands International stock back up.

Business News

These 3 Apparel Stocks Are Fit for a Comeback

A bullish industry outlook and recent quarterly earnings releases have several apparel stocks trending higher. Here are a few of the names worth trying on.

Business News

Stock-ing Stuffers: 3 Attractive Stocks Trading Around $10

These three stocks have been dragged down by the tide but, with cheap valuations and long-term growth stories intact, are positioned for a happier new year.