Michael Kan: Page 8


Michael has been a PCMag reporter since October 2017. He previously covered tech news in China from 2010 to 2015, before moving to San Francisco to write about cybersecurity.

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Latest: Page 8

Business News

Facebook Pulls Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Ads on Breaking Up Social Network

'Curious why I think FB (Facebook) has too much power? Let's start with their ability to shut down a debate over whether FB has too much power,' the presidential candidate said in response to the political ad takedown.

Business News

TikTok to Pay $5.7 Million Fine For Violating Children's Privacy Law

They failed to ask for parental consent when collecting the personal information from users under the age of 13.

Business News

Trolls Force Rotten Tomatoes to Limit Comments on New Movies

Internet users have been abusing the 'Want to See' feature to complain about the upcoming Captain Marvel movie, which features a female superhero.

Business News

YouTube Kills 400 Channels For Hosting Pedophilic Comments

The company took action after a YouTube creator posted a video showing how pedophiles can use the platform to exchange contact details and links to child porn.

Business News

Faulty Update Bricks Nike 'Self-Lacing' Smart Shoes

Android users who bought the Nike Adapt BB are taking to the Google Play Store to complain. 'Broke my $350 shoes with a Nike update,' reads one review.

Business News

Elon Musk: Mars Trip Could Cost You Less Than $500K or Even $100K

The prices would be 'low enough that most people in advanced economies could sell their home on Earth and move to Mars if they want.'