Michael Kan: Page 9


Michael has been a PCMag reporter since October 2017. He previously covered tech news in China from 2010 to 2015, before moving to San Francisco to write about cybersecurity.

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Latest: Page 9

Business News

Google Fired 48 Staffers Over Sexual Misconduct in the Past 2 Years

The New York Times published a story that suggests Google has been protecting senior executives accused of sexual harassment. In response, the company's CEO said the tech giant has been taking a harder line against all employees found engaging in sexual misconduct.

Business News

Jeff Bezos Starts a $2 Billion Fund for Schools and the Homeless

'We'll use the same set of principles that have driven Amazon. Most important among those will be genuine, intense customer obsession. The child will be the customer,' the Amazon CEO says.

Business News

Reddit Hacked, Despite SMS Two-Factor Authentication

The hacker gained access to Reddit's internal systems by circumventing SMS-based two-factor authentication on employee accounts.

Business News

Google to End Involvement in Pentagon AI Project

Due to employee backlash, the company will not pursue another contract for the Pentagon's Project Maven, Google Cloud CEO Diane Greene told employees on Friday.

Business News

New Google OS Has Tools to Help With Your Tech Addiction

New controls, expected in Android P, are part of Google's new 'digital wellbeing' initiative, which the company unveiled at Google I/O on Tuesday.

Business News

Facebook Fires Engineer for Using Its Data to Stalk Women

The issue was brought up on Monday when the head of a security firm tweeted that she had evidence of the stalking.