Neil Patel: Page 9

Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Expert

Neil Patel is co-founder of Crazy EggHello Bar and KISSmetrics. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue. 

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Business News

How to Appropriately Promote Yourself on YouTube

YouTube is an untapped opportunity for personal promotion. Here are some tips for doing it right.


The 7 Essential Steps to Monitoring Your Online Reputation

A simple step-by-step guide to staying on top of what's said about you and your company online.

Business News

How to Create a Site Structure That Will Enhance SEO

The better your site structure, the better your chance of higher ranking in the search engines.


8 Advanced Webmaster Tools You Should Be Using for Better SEO

The better you become at using these tools, the better you will become at having a site that is perfectly optimized in Google.

Business News

12 Things You Should Do on Your Personal Google+ Account Right Now

Google's social network has subtly creeped into your emailing, browsing and a variety of other activities across the web. Here's how to kick your profile up a notch or two.


The Psychology of Instant Gratification and How It Will Revolutionize Your Marketing Approach

Humans are hardwired to want things -- now. Here's how you can introduce strategy into your marketing that will create incredible appeal.