Patti Fletcher: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Leadership Futurist and Gender Equity Advocate

Dr. Patti Fletcher is the author of Disrupters: Success Strategies from Women Who Break the Mold (Entrepreneur Press 2018). Dr. Patti is an enterprise tech CMO, gender equity expert, board member and keynote speaker who has spent her career at the intersection of technology, business and people.

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Latest: Page 2

Business News

5 Things Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Kamala Harris

Agree with her politics or not, the California Senator's rise to the VP ticket is something every disrupter can be inspired by.

Operations & Logistics

What I Learned From Mr. Rogers About Disrupting While Being Disrupted

'A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood' provided the clarity I needed on how we can weather this, or any, crisis.

Thought Leaders

What You and New Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser Can Learn from Other Female CEOs About Sustainable Success

Turns out seemingly doomed leadership situations don't have to fail after all.


Should You Repel Job Candidates Instead of Attracting Them?

Author and entrepreneur Charlotte Marshall explains how, contrary to conventional wisdom, the recruiting process is exactly the right time to start sharing the good, the bad and the ugly of your employee experience.


Can We Finally Say Goodbye to the Work Martyr?

Business leaders, together with HR, have a huge opportunity to set their teams up for success by rewarding for impact, not hours worked.


Nataly Kogan Knows We Can All Still Be Happy

The Happier founder and author shares her insights into how we can stay well in the era of social distancing.