Pratik Dholakiya: Page 6

Founder of Growfusely

Pratik Dholakiya is the founder of Growfusely, a content marketing agency specializing in content and data-driven SEO.

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Latest: Page 6

Science & Technology

These Note-Taking Apps Let You Forget Worries About Your Fading-Memory

The next-best thing to total recall is a high-functioning app on your smartphone. Happily, there are at least four really good ones. (That we remember.)

Business News

To Get a Premium Price Exceed What Your Customer Expects

The most successful brands can routinely charge more for comparable products because they never disappoint their customers.

Social Media

To Get More Customers to 'Like' You, Be Somebody They Like

The best start to your social-media-marketing strategy is when people enjoy their experience dealing with your business.

Social Media

2 Cases That Show How Social Media Can Change Your Business Trajectory

Think social media is just an "accessory" to your branding efforts? Think again. Social media can make or break your brand.


How to Play Games at Work Productively

Employers increasingly are finding that the more tedious the task, the more effective it is to make a game of it.

Science & Technology

5 Apps That Make Life Easier for Harried CEOs

Apps can't run your business for you but they can help keep the avalanche of details from burying you.