Shira Lazar: Page 2

Shira Lazar is the host and executive producer of What's Trending live Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Pacific and Partners Project, interviewing your favorite YouTube stars weekly.

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Business News

Thrillist's Ben Lerer on his Success as a Young Trep

Despite his famous father, the Thrillist co-founder has managed to find massive success in business on his own. Here, we ask him about his victories -- and challenges.

Business News

Mike Jones on Ditching La La Land for Silicon Beach

Los Angeles has long been a mecca for creative types. Now it's attracting techies too.

Business News

How Being a Party Animal Helped SpiritHoods Grow Its Business

When it comes to starting up in the fashion world, safety can be dangerous. See how SpiritHoods went to the edge -- and found success.

Business News

New York, the City that Never Disconnects?

New York is claiming ever more tech cred these days. Steven Rosenbaum, the city's first Entrepreneur at Large, discusses the Big Apple and the burgeoning idea of curation.


Mobile Roadie's Co-Founder on What You Need to Know Now About the Future of Mobile Apps

If the future of business is mobile, where are mobile apps headed? We spoke with the entrepreneur behind the first self-service app creator on the road ahead.

Social Media

Warby Parker's Grand Vision: Innovating Eyewear Through Social Media

The eyewear company's co-founder discusses embracing social media and digital tools to enhance customers' experiences and engagement.