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Business News

What is "Active Investing"?

Long term investing is not an easy path to top the stock market (SPY). On the other hand most active trading approaches miss some key elements that lead to outperformance....

Business News

Holiday Stock Rally is an "Optical Illusion"

Holiday sessions like this week have a naturally bullish bias for stocks (SPY). That's because the joy of Thanksgiving typically leaks over to higher stock prices. The risk is giving...

Business News

9 Trades to Tame the Bear Market

More economists are pointing out the recessionary storm clouds that do not portend well for stock prices. Gladly the stock market (SPY) offers the opportunity to make profits no matter...

Business News

The Fed WANTS a Bear Market & Recession

The stock market (SPY) rally since Thursday's better than expected CPI report has been impressive. And on the surface, it only seems to be bolstered by Tuesdays PPI report. Unfortunately,...

Business News

Stay Bearish! Don't Be Fooled by Recent Rally

Traders keep not understanding the seriousness of the Fed in fighting inflation. This is why we had a big summer rally that ended with stocks (SPY) making new lows. And...

Business News

100 Best Stocks for November

2022 has been a very difficult year for investors as the stock market (SPY) has tumbled into bear market territory. Thus, the strategies that worked so well in 2021 are...