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Business News

Fade the Friday Rally

Bull markets do not go straight up. There are plenty of down days, weeks and even months for the S&P 500 (SPY) added into the mix. Conversely bear markets do...

Business News

3 Factors to Find Breakout Stocks

Investors often assume that if the overall market (SPY) is in bear market territory...that means that every stock is down. It's true that the vast majority head lower. But it...

Business News

1 Top Pick for 2023 Stock Market

40 year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister shares his #1 investment for 2023 that should easily top the S&P 500 (SPY). However, timing WHEN you get into this trade is the...

Business News

Black Swan Warning for Investors

We all appreciate why high inflation and a hawkish Fed is a bad combination for the stock market (SPY). However, this ill tasting tonic also reawakens serious concerns that could...

Business News

#1 Investment for 2023 Revealed

40 year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister shares his #1 investment for 2023 that should easily top the S&P 500 (SPY). However, timing WHEN you get into this trade is the...

Business News

Investor Alert: We Have NOT Hit Bottom!

Bears have been in charge for 2 months and likely going to take a rest for a while. So even though we have seen some mighty bounces this week...and could...