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Business News

Investors: THIS is the Elephant in the Room

It's time to stop beating around the bush. The key topic is inflation and how much damage the Fed will create in the US economy to tame this economic beast....

Business News

How Low Will Stocks Go?

It is now clear the summer bear market rally is over. Now we are descending back into bear market territory with a retest of the S&P 500 (SPY) lows at...

Business News

Bear Market Cure

The 20% loss for the S&P 500 (SPY) this year does not really tell the story of the pain inflicted on the average investor. Most individuals were piled up in...

Business News

Yes Investors...It's a Bear Market

Investors were once again foolishly bidding up stocks coming into the inflation report Tuesday morning. Bulls were slaughtered when they found out that inflation is not fading away and that...

Business News

Believe the Fed...More PAIN on the Way for Stocks

It's easy to appreciate the confusion for investors at this time. Just when you think the bears are back in comes a big 3 day rally that calls it...

Business News

10 Minutes a Month to Beat the Market

The #1 problem for investors is underperforming the stock market (SPY). The #2 problem is how much time they spend (aka waste) to achieve these poor outcomes. The above problems...