Steve Tobak: Page 18

Author of Real Leaders Don't Follow

Steve Tobak is a management consultant, columnist, former senior executive, and author of Real Leaders Don’t Follow: Being Extraordinary in the Age of the Entrepreneur (Entrepreneur Press, October 2015). Tobak runs Silicon Valley-based Invisor Consulting and blogs at, where you can contact him and learn more.

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Latest: Page 18

Growing a Business

Win or Lose, Competition Always Makes You Stronger

Competition builds winners, leaders, innovators and success stories. Without it, none of us would be here.


Neurotic? It's a Good Thing.

Some of the most brilliant innovators and entrepreneurs are anything but normal. After all, passion and obsession are two sides of the same coin.


What Makes a Great Boss?

Managing is an art form. True leadership takes even more hard work.


Want to Be Happy? Quit Trying to Be So Happy.

It's one thing to see the glass as half-full. It's quite another to insist on seeing water in an empty glass.


The Right Way to Network

Looking purely at the mechanics of how we communicate in the real world, it's easy to see why it doesn't work so well in the virtual one.


Want to Impress? Don't Do This.

You may think people like and understand you, and want to help your business. You're dead wrong.