Stuart Robertson

President of Capital One Advisors 401k Services

As president of Capital One Advisors 401k Services, Stuart Robertson leads both Spark 401k and ShareBuilder 401k, overseeing all sales, marketing, product and operations teams. He is based in Seattle.

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Want to Lower Your Taxes? Make the Most of Retirement Planning Tools Like 401(k)s and IRAs.

If you have yet to file your 2017 taxes, here are some key strategies that may help you come out ahead this tax season.

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The Holiday Season, That Other Tax Time

While December tends to be one of the busiest months for many small business owners, it's a critical time to look ahead and assess the retirement strategy.

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Going Solo Doesn't Mean Going Without a 401(k)

Find out how a unique class of retirement plan can aid a single owner of a business.

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