Tom Wheelwright: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CPA, Author and Founder and CEO of WealthAbility

Tom Wheelwright is a leading tax and wealth expert, CPA and author of "Tax-Free Wealth." As the CEO of WealthAbility®, Wheelwright helps entrepreneurs and investors build wealth through practical strategies that permanently reduce taxes.

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Latest: Page 2


Biden's Proposal to Limit Like-Kind Exchanges Impacts Small Business

Like-kind exchanges further the economy, so why are they being demonized?


Biden's Capital Gains Proposals Will Have Massive Impact on Businesses Earning More Than $1 Million

Biden has proposed to nearly double the capital gains rate to 39.6% for those earning more than $1 million.


Las propuestas de ganancias de capital de Biden tendrán un impacto masivo en las empresas que ganan más de $ 1 millón

Biden ha propuesto casi duplicar la tasa de ganancias de capital al 39,6% para aquellos que ganan más de $ 1 millón.

Business News

Is President Biden Attacking Small Business on Purpose?

Is the President pro-big business?


¿Está el presidente Biden atacando a las pequeñas empresas a propósito?

¿Está el presidente a favor de las grandes empresas?


Do the Top 1% Really Cheat on Their Taxes?

Does paying little to no taxes make you a tax cheat?