Tracy Stapp Herold: Page 10

Entrepreneur Staff

Tracy Stapp Herold is the special projects editor at Entrepreneur magazine. She works on franchise and business opportunity stories and listings, including the annual Franchise 500.

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227 Franchise Opportunities For Less Than $50,000

Franchise opportunities in almost every industry imaginable, from automotive services to food to senior care -- and all of them can be started for less $50,000.


Top 100 Homebased Franchises

Want a business you can feel comfortable with, minus the cost of a storefront or office? These franchises may be just what you're looking for.


Common Franchise Terms Explained

Before you look into the benefits of opening your own franchise, it helps to know the terminology. We put together this cheat sheet of the most common -- and most important -- words you'll need to understand.


Top 10 New Franchises

A variety of fresh concepts are livening up franchising.


The Fastest Growing Franchises for 2013

Quick-serve, senior-care and cleaning firms dominate our list of the fastest-growing franchises.


How to Name a Franchise

What's in a name? When it comes to franchising, a lot of goofy stuff.