10 Things You Should Be Paranoid About as an Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David discusses why large-scale paranoia can be beneficial and the 10 factors you need to be conscious of and prepared for.
Paranoia is generally a bad thing. It creates unnecessary stress and can lead to hasty, regrettable decisions. This holds true when paranoia is unjustified or applies only to small ideas that don't have large implications.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David explains why paranoia, when it comes to big ideas, is absolutely necessary.
He notes 10 specific aspects of entrepreneurship in which paranoia is vital to success, ranging from meeting deadlines to monitoring competition and constantly innovating. Instead of turning a blind eye to these elements, it is important to be conscious of them and embrace the threats your business may face.
Click play to hear about the other aspects of business that entrepreneurs can't afford to brush off.
Watch more YouTube videos from Bet-David on his channel.
Related: 7 Tips to Consider When Trading in Your Desk Job for Full-Time Entrepreneurship
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