Getting Customers to Know, Like and Trust You Using a Content Marketing Funnel Entrepreneur Network partner Salma Jafri outlines the most effective and authentic way to reach customers with your content marketing.
What content should you be creating at each stage of the content marketing funnel? Learn how to create content that gets your audience to know, like and trust you! In this video, marketing expert Salma Jafri shows how you can use a funnel strategy to organize your content while still retaining authenticity.
Pillar, evergreen and how-to content are key for allowing users and customers to get to know you. They build awareness and allow customers to understand the core aspects of your business. To get customers to like you, be more relatable and show many different perspectives. This includes telling stories, experimenting with various article formats and utilizing social media. Demonstrating vulnerability also helps businesses in this stage. Most importantly, you must build trust using testimonials, user-generated content and more.
Click play to hear more about why the funnel method is effective and other ways to generate these types of content.
Watch more informative videos from Salma Jafri on her YouTube channel.
Related: How to 'Dress Up' Your Content for Every Occasion
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