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How These Entrepreneurs Attracted an Army of Loyal Customers The founders of Bitsbox explain how sticking to their mission of teaching kids to code has kept customers coming back month after month.

"Be true to your mission if you want to have an army of loyal customers. Decide what you're about and what you're trying to build in this world."

So says Scott Lininger. Along with former colleague Aidan Chopra, in 2014 the pair founded Bitsbox, a Boulder, Colo.-based monthly subscription box and website that teaches kids about computer programming.

Last year, Bitsbox was named a Startup to Watch by Staples and Entrepreneur.

Starting and growing a company, and specifically a subscription-based business like Bitsbox, is no easy feat. In the video above, Lininger and Chopra discuss the magic behind their success creating loyal customers—everything from marketing, to customer service, to branding—and how others can do it, too.