Microsoft Unveils 'Project Scorpio' Game Console Also in this episode, Daily Harvest scores celebrity investments and Lyft gets $25 million in backing from Jaguar.
By Venturer
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Microsoft unveiled its "Project Scorpio" games console this week -- officially named Xbox One X. For all my gamer friends out there worried about size, the "smallest Xbox ever" packs more punch than any competitor. It uses a custom GPU engine and 1 terabyte of storage (whatever the heck that means). The console is $499 and is expected to debut worldwide on Nov. 7, just in time for the holiday season.
A health food startup, Daily Harvest, just scored celebrity investors and closed a Series A funding round. The health-conscious celebs, Gwyneth Paltrow and Serena Williams, invested in the New York-based startup debunking the myth that frozen food is not nutritious. Daily Harvest delivers organic, ready to blend smoothies and frozen soups to your front door that you can prepare and eat in minutes.
Lyft's new partnership with InMotion Ventures will supply Lyft's Express Drive platform with Jaguar and Landrover vehicles. The $25-million investment will go towards testing autonomous vehicle technologies. Lyft's collaborative deals include nuTonomy, Waymo and GM as the race for self-driving technology is coming to a city near you.
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