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One Smart Way to Help Streamline Operations Starting Today When it comes to shipping, time and money can be wasted when operations aren't unified and there's little visibility into what's going where, and at what cost.


Operations is the heartbeat of your organization. If attention to detail is not a main focus for your organization, processes may not be completely optimized, causing productivity to suffer and money to go to waste.

As some companies continue to maintain remote operations, and even decide to stay permanent with their employees, it can also be difficult for them to gain visibility across departments. With departments no longer operating out of an office, it can be challenging for managers to keep track of a multitude of important details, like tracking shipping spend across the organization as employees carry out these daily functions from home.

So, how can managers be sure that every department is maximizing output while saving money? One easy way is with SendPro® Enterprise, which offers solutions for management to gain visibility across departments and companies to streamline operations.

Unify operations.

According to Tom Hazel, Vice President for Carrier Solutions at Pitney Bowes, "most organizations utilize multiple carrier solutions or postage meters or online postage. SendPro Enterprise allows organizations to take all of those disparate systems and gather them into one application." If companies have to utilize several different systems, they run the risk of disparate processes and confusion across departments. Hazel adds, "there is also the challenge of maintaining all of these separate systems from the standpoint of software updates, and you also have separate address books to maintain. It's never a good thing when it comes to carrier fees for address corrections--not to mention having to train users on all the various systems to make use of them correctly."

With SendPro Enterprise, companies can avoid such risk. Whether employees are in the office or operating from a remote location, they can use the application to consolidate those processes, centralize operations, and maintain an address book with only one solution. By giving users the opportunity to compare carrier rates, generate electronic return receipts, create Certified Mail® cover letters or print postage, and standardize processes for proper accounting and tracking, companies can effectively cut costs and consolidate operational processes across the entire organization.

Additionally, SendPro Enterprise automatically captures all costs by location and user, eliminating the need for multiple invoices and wasting accounting's time by manually reviewing them. You can even choose to consolidate carrier charges and make one payment through a dedicated shipping and mailing account. Users can also shop rates to ensure that they are receiving the best price every time they ship, based on delivery objective.

By eliminating the confusion of using and maintaining several different systems, SendPro Enterprise can save your organization both time and money as well as keep departments and operations on the same page.

Increase visibility.

When managers lack visibility into their departments, they can quickly lose track of spending and the ability to optimize operations or workflow. More specifically in regard to shipping, if managers are unable to see how employees carry out shipping processes, they cannot efficiently harness costs or best practices.

With SendPro Enterprise, managers can easily track these processes end-to-end. "If an employee ships something, managers can view when they shipped the package, to whom they sent the package, and how much that transaction cost," Hazel explains. "Managers are able to view the entire process to maintain accountability for how employees carry out shipping and mailing operations."

SendPro Enterprise also offers managers the ability to view activity across the organization in a single, cloud-based dashboard. Rather than manually keep track of every shipping invoice and run the risk of a lost or inaccurate invoice, SendPro Enterprise offers an accurate solution for viewing and maintaining organizational spend.

Click here to find out more about how SendPro Enterprise can help you streamline operations, saving your team time and money.