9 Tips to Stay Motivated When Writing a Book It's hard to get past the blank screen and start writing, but here are a few tips that can help.
By Brian Tracy
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Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy knows better than almost anyone what it takes to write a book because he's written dozens of them himself. One of the biggest keys is to stay motivated and consistent with your writing. So, in this video, Tracy explains nine tips you can use to keep writing and meet your deadlines.
Start by doing the most obvious thing: Write often. Get used to the habit of writing -- of carving out time in your day to work on your writing and to get past the initial intimidation of the blank screen. You can create small writing goals -- in fact, consistently accomplishing small writing goals is often a more successful goal than trying to start and finish a full book in a single week.
Click play to learn more strategies and tips from Tracy's experiences as an author.
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