How This CEO Went from Having Zero Industry Experience to Running Her Own Tech Startup This founder's ultimate strength was building something from nothing.
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In this latest video from Entrepreneur Network partner MaRS Discovery District, the CEO and co-founder of Plum.IO talks about how she ascended to her current position without a stitch of tech experience.
Caitlin McGregor speaks about how though she lacked experience in tech as well as HR, she did however possess experience running a business. The time McGregor spent building a company from the ground up, grooming her skills in business development, leant itself naturally to a tech startup experiencing early stages of growth. Her saviness with recognizing what appropriate work-life balance looked like and what some of the main goals for her employees are helped her connect easier with her co-workers.
Moreover, McGregor recognized herself as a target audience for Plum.IO, which encouraged her to explore what is the most compelling part of the company.
Click the video to hear more from Plum.IO's CEO.
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