
150sec offers the best news about emerging technology, events, entrepreneurs and investors and continues to report on the growing influence of the CEE region.

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Business News

EU Startups Offered Chance to Accelerate 4th Industrial Revolution Manufacturing Workforce

A new grant aims to create a unique infrastructure for the convenient deployment of human-centric industrial applications.

Business News

European Startups 2021: The Year in Numbers

They're on track to bring in a record $121 billion in funding this year. This is nearly three times the $41 billion of capital raised in 2020.

Business News

Report: UK SMBs Not Doing Enough to Build an Inclusive, Diverse Culture

Half of the 1,000 managers surveyed by GetApp, a Gartner company, admit that their company still has 'significant work' to do in this regard.

Business News

'Hybrid Workplaces to See an Impactful Generational, Gender Split'

Hung Lee, a UK-based recruitment industry professional, says a generational and gender divide will be a byproduct of veteran workers and women being more drawn to the benefits of remote work.

Business News

Report: The European Market Is Back on Its Feet

The startup market is having a moment around the world, but few regions can hold a flame to Europe when it comes to venture capital investment this year.

Business News

Vision Isn't Everything, Says Successful Multi-Time Y Combinator Applicant

Here's what's more important to focus on.