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Business News

The Surprising Step You Should Take to Find Your Next Job Opportunity

There is a simple way to streamline your job search, and at no out-of-pocket cost to you.

Business News

3 Top Companies' Strategies for Hiring and Retaining Women in STEM

Glassdoor spoke with three top employers -- Nokia, 3M and Autodesk -- to learn how they're recruiting and interviewing diverse candidates, and ultimately, how they're creating better workplaces for women.

Business News

The Rules of Etiquette for Your Office Holiday Party

Follow these tips to avoid cringe-worthy moments at your next holiday party.

Business News

Cities and States That Will Pay You to Move There

Here are the top seven communities that will pay you to live there.

Business News

Glassdoor's Best Places to Work for 2019

Bain & Company takes the #1 spot.

Business News

15 Words and Phrases to Never Include in a Cover Letter

Given the importance of a cover letter, you cannot afford to blow it.