
Latest: Page 3

Business News

General Electric Is Selling Its $3 Billion Industrial-Solutions Business

This comes as part of a push to focus on its core businesses.

Business News

Nintendo in Risky Mobile Games Push With Paid Super Mario Launch on iPhones

A lot is riding for the Japanese company on Super Mario Run, which is being released in 151 countries and regions on Thursday.

Business News

Instagram's User Base Crosses 600 Million

The photo-sharing app added 100 million users since June.

Business News

Yahoo Says 1 Billion Accounts Exposed in Newly Discovered Security Breach

The number of affected accounts was double the number implicated in a 2014 breach that the internet company disclosed in September.

Business News

Human Driving Autonomous Uber Car Caught Running Red Light

The company launched its self-driving car fleet in San Francisco despite a warning from state regulators.

Business News

Trump Team Says Twitter Too Small to Be Included in Tech Meeting

Twitter's platform played a big role in Trump's ability to speak directly to millions of voters.