

Why it is No More a Bad Thing to Arrive Late

Late movers are able to succeed - at the very least - by identifying the mistakes made by the innovators and learn from them


The Economics Behind Building a Good Product

Behavioral economics can be used as a tool to figure out the areas, with respect to the product, where your users struggle

Business News

Apple Files a Patent for a Paper Bag

This magical bag has a 'white solid bleached sulfate paper with at least 60 percent post-consumer content.'

Starting a Business

Startup Founders Can Thrive in Hard Times Because of These 3 Things

Even if the world wants them to be, entrepreneurs aren't superhuman.

Growing a Business

4 Fast Ideas to Rapidly Grow Your Revenue

Without revenue, your business will die. These options won't require a huge effort, but the payoffs could be immense.

Social Media

Marketers Are Taking a Closer Look at Your Tumblr Photos. Here's Why.

Marketers will now have access to more nuanced references, not just explicit mentions.

Thought Leaders

15-Year-Old Entrepreneur Looks to Disrupt Sugary Drinks Market

Recent Shark Tank contestant infuses some 'sweet' innovation in his product that seeks to replace soda and sports beverages.

Growing a Business

Have an Idea for the Cokes or Apples of the World? 6 Ways to Get Their Attention.

Pitching a product at one of these mega companies isn't as daunting as you may think.

Growing a Business

The Role of Luck in Business, Investing and Sports

Michael J. Mauboussin, head of global financial strategies at Credit Suisse, explores what results in success.


How to Take Consumers From 'What's That?' to 'I'll Try It'

New businesses face the challenge of first getting products on shelves, then convincing customers to buy it.

Growing a Business

Soar Above, Rather Than Survive, a Product Recall

Fitbit is the latest company that instituted a recall. Did it do it right? Also, seven steps to implement a recall program in your business.

Growing a Business

5 Challenges of Being the First to Market

When you have a product in a new field, you have to convince customers to try something new while staying financially afloat.


5 Strategies for Generating Consumer Demand

Tips on how to create excitement and buzz around your new product.


3 Life-Changing Habits of High Performers

Start practicing these three habits and you too can get closer to success.

Business Ideas

3 Steps to Transform Your Business Idea Into a Prototype

Whether you're building a cup holder or a tech gadget hooked to your smartphone, every product has to follow these three steps before it's ready.