Workflow: Page 2

Growing a Business

Why You Should Run Your Business the Way You Run Your Dishwasher

Do you clean just one plate at a time? The time to embrace batch processing is here.

Science & Technology

Workflows Are the Future of Automation

The future of automation is guided by low code and no code step-by-step guides


How To Manage an Asynchronous Work Flow

The future of work is asynchronous: Here's How to Make it Better Than it Sounds.


Just Do It: How to Work When You Really Don't Feel Like It

Avoiding daily tasks can crush our happiness, hurt our bank accounts, and even damage our health -- but you can learn how to move forward.

Science & Technology

Don't Buy Workflow Software Without These 5 Features

Technology should take care of busywork so we can get back to what we do best.

Growth Strategies

[Trends 2020] Skill Development In the HR Space To Be Critical

In the future of work, HR is not going to be just a soft aspect of the organization

News and Trends

Nitin Gadkari Plans to Take Indian MSMEs Global Through E-commerce

The union minister has proposed to constitute an Amazon-like platform for small & medium enterprises

Growth Strategies

How New Managers Can Lead Without Disrupting Productivity

Here's what new managers should do to keep their sail adrift while leading a team

Employee Experience & Recruiting

6 Ways to Save Your Team From Crashing and Burning

Without a strong team, no matter how great the vision, it cannot be executed properly.

Growth Strategies

GIGPreneurs – Changing the Definition of Future Work Force and Economy

In years to come, people will no longer have career jobs and here we explore what it is going to be like


Workspace Environment Matters, Says Ergonomics

From adjustable workstation to trendy stuff we tell you how to prepare your office


Four Must- Have Apps for Startup Founders to Keep Their Schedule in Order

It's time to switch from paper to apps to keep your daily schedule in order to maximize time and energy.

Growth Strategies

Logistics Workflow Management : A Spot Market Overview

Logistics is complex to understand but is the backbone of the economy like India


Five Reasons Why the Future of Work Lies in Freelancing

The companies prefer outsourcing the work to freelancers to save their costs on additional labour and the set-up.


The Most Strategic Agenda in CXOs discussions: AI

Leadership teams are increasingly seeing AI as a key component of their strategic agenda for their organizations.