Brian-Damien Morgan

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Business News

Connecticut Governor rejects bill that could provide $3 million in striking worker support

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, in a significant move, rejected the possibility of a $3 million fund that could have been a lifeline for striking workers. The bill, championed by the...

Business News

Paramount owners end takeover saga by walking away from $2.5bn talks

National Amusements, the parent company of storied film and TV giant Paramount, has ended months of talks by walking away from the table. Skydance Media was once thought the best...

Business News

Toyota reports $15 Billion in Market Value lost 

Toyota, the renowned Japanese car manufacturer, has been hit by a severe scandal, resulting in a staggering $15 billion loss in Market Value. Last week, Toyota and Mazda were forced...

Business News

Three New Yorkers charged for $184 Million fraud scheme

Three New Yorkers have become the center of a $184 million pre-IPO Fraud Scheme case. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken a firm stand, charging individuals who were...

Business News

GameStop stocks take a hammering despite pandemic-era personality’s praise

GameStop, the videogame and console retailer, witnessed a huge plunge in stock price despite a vocal pandemic-era viral supporter attempting to rally investors. The person known as “Roaring Kitty” or...

Business News

Uncertainty looms over Paramount as a billion-dollar deal hangs in the balance

Paramount, a globally recognized film and television brand, is battling a rocky patch with a billion-dollar deal hanging in the balance. During the media giant's board elections, current majority shareholder...

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