Gene Marks: Page 19

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
President of The Marks Group

Gene Marks is a CPA and owner of The Marks Group PC, a ten-person technology and financial consulting firm located near Philadelphia founded in 1994.

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Latest: Page 19

Business News

5 Lies That Come Out of Entrepreneurs' Mouths

You may not think so, but falsehoods are a part of doing business.

Growing a Business

Why Can Some Businesses Get Away With High Prices?

Ivy League schools, top doctors and rock stars provide a lesson for your business.

Operations & Logistics

You Won't Find What Makes a Hire 'Special' on Their Resume

Businesses are all the same, which is why experience in your field shouldn't matter when interviewing job candidates.

Growing a Business

7 Ways Your Employees Are Stealing From You

Is one of your employees augmenting their paycheck -- at your expense? Here are some ways they may do just that.


3 Reasons Why You'll Never Be Super Successful

Sure, we're all getting by. But what really separates us from the mega rich and powerful?


The Real Reason Customers Buy From You

Technology and marketing help, but it didn't seal the deal.