Business Culture - Page 3

If you're ready to make your business culture the best it can be, read on to learn about the latest trends and strategies.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

The Best Hires Often Have No Experience At All. Here Are 6 Unconventional Traits This CEO Looks For When Hiring The Best Person For The Job.

Experience counts for a lot when hiring, but don't forget about these unconventional traits, which are often key to determining an employee's success in an organization.


How to Harness the Power of Authentic Storytelling to Become a More Effective and Inspiring Leader

Storytelling enhances business leadership by inspiring a culture of authenticity and trust through sharing relevant personal stories.


I Quit! You Just Don't Know It Yet — How to Stop Disengagement and Ensure Your Employees Remain Vibrant and Productive

Disgruntled or disenchanted employees are giving up and doing the minimum at their jobs. Are people quiet quitting on you?


5 Ways to Spend Less Time in Meetings Each Week

Want to get more done — and be happier at work? Spend less time in meetings. Here are five ways to do that.

More Posts on Business Culture

Business Culture

Avoid These 4 Blunders When Creating a Company Culture

To get a complete picture of whether your brand's atmosphere needs work, observe factors like absenteeism, participation, and body language.


The Gen Z Takeover — How to Empower the Next Generation of Leaders

The four Es that are mediating the Gen Z takeover.


Why We Need to Create Brands That Align Our Purpose, Personality and Practice

Now more than ever — because consumers find an irrational amount of meaning in the brands they trust — awakened brands have the ability to change the world.

Growing a Business

The Value Economy — How to Master the Game of Wealth in a Changing World

Stay ahead of the curve by offering your customers — and the world — more value.


7 Tips for Empowering Mothers in the Workplace

Moms make up an important and large segment of the workforce, yet too often have been overlooked in the development of company culture. In this article, we explore seven ways that companies can empower mothers in the workplace, through the lens of my own experience as a mom and CEO.


Firing a Long-Term Employee is Hard — But It's Necessary. Here's Why.

If you have an employee who has been with you for years, they are often "rock star" performers. But, there are times when your long-termers can become bad performers over time.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Your Company Won't Grow Until You Follow These 4 Keys to Success

Giving people the freedom to create their own roles can set scaling companies on the path to growth.


Studies Show Women Need Each Other's Support to Reach Maximum Success — and I've Experienced This Firsthand. Here's How.

Research shows women who have a close knit group of women to lean on make more money, get access to coveted opportunities and overall experience greater success in their careers. Reflecting on these findings has prompted me to share insights into how I manage my own women's network and how we empower one another to achieve remarkable growth personally and professionally.


A Leadership Shortage Is Coming. Here's What Needs to Happen to Prevent It.

Pay bumps and fancy titles are no longer enough to entice top talent. Management can be a headache and organizations need to make changes. Otherwise, there won't be anyone left to lead. Here's what needs to be done.


4 in 5 Employees Want to Learn How to Use AI at Work, New Research Shows — and It's on Leaders to Teach Them. Here's How.

Discover strategies for promoting continuous learning and development, a requisite for survival in today's increasingly AI-powered workplace.


6 Reasons Why You Should Build Brand Equity Early in Your Business

A well-established brand brings more revenue, has more competitive advantages, and can weather any storm, making it easier to run your business and experiment with new tactics.