
Business News

Leading with Empathy: How to Deliver Bad News Effectively

Delivering bad news is never easy, but it’s an inevitable part of leadership. How you handle layoffs, failed projects, or less-than-positive performance reviews can impact your team’s morale, trust, and...

Business News

Building a Culture of Wellness: Practical Strategies for National Employee Wellness Month

A company’s employees must be healthy as well. Despite this, spending all day sitting at a desk can harm a person. This sedentary lifestyle can lead to serious health issues,...

Business News

Seize the Day! 50 Unforgettable Summer Activities

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to escape the routine, immerse yourself in the great outdoors, soak up some sun, and make memories that will last a lifetime....

Business News

7 Celestial Observations to Add to Your Calendar This Year

For those who love watching the sky in all of its wonders, you’ve likely already caught the total solar eclipse in April and the Northern Lights earlier in May. Or,...

Business News

How to View Microsoft Calendar and Google Calendar in the Same Place

Keeping track of appointments across multiple platforms can be a nightmare. Between work schedules, social engagements, and personal commitments, keeping track of everything can be nearly impossible. The struggle is...

Business News

College Graduates: Conquer Your Summer with These Powerful Habits

Congratulations! Your graduation cap has been tossed, you’ve celebrated with family and friends, and now you’re gearing up for summer. But, more importantly, you’re ready to embark on the next...