Data & Recovery - Page 10

There's no sense of panic like when you fear your data may be lost. Discover plenty of data recovery services, software, and more, to help you in a crisis.


7 Crucial Metrics to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Campaigns

Why data-driven decisions are reshaping the marketing landscape


Forget Paying for Ads on Google and Facebook. Use These 6 Marketing Tactics Instead.

Too many businesses play it safe with the same old paid marketing strategies during this economically uncertain post-pandemic period. Break the tired routine with these six strategies.


I Left Google Because It Wasn't Innovative Enough. Now I Work at a Startup Doing What the Tech Giant Wouldn't.

Working at Google was a dream opportunity — until I realized my department would be left behind.

More Posts on Data & Recovery


On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO vs. Technical SEO — Here's How to Properly Optimize Each

These SEO types form a comprehensive strategy that's crucial for increasing a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results, which can lead to higher traffic and potential conversions.


Why Business Owners Must Rely on Data (and Not Gut Feelings) When Making Marketing Decisions

Business owners often rely on gut feelings and opinions rather than data and metrics when it comes to marketing decisions.

Growing a Business

3 Ways Leaders Can Use Data to Grow in Shrinking Economies

Business leaders need to find a way to make sense of this dynamic environment and use it to their advantage — and they can do so with data. Here's how.


So, You've Been Hacked. These are the Best Practices for Business Leaders Post-Hack

The lasting effects of a cyber incident can impact an organization's reputation, customers, workforce, databases and network architecture.

Operations & Logistics

This Department Might Be Holding Your Business Back. Here's How to Change That.

Human resources has become too often disconnected from the bottom line. Here's how to deftly integrate the two to address 21st-century challenges.

Growing a Business

Senior Executives Are Falling Behind The Digital Curve — Here's What It Takes to Stay Ahead.

Learn how to stay ahead of the digital curve with the top areas of digital transformation that all corporate leaders should know.

Science & Technology

Security Breaches Are on the Rise and Your Identity Isn't Safe. Here's How Verified Identities Can Help

There are only three certainties in life. Death, taxes and cybercriminals attempting to steal information they can flip for money.

Science & Technology

We Will Inevitably Lose Skills to AI, But Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks?

The discourse around AI has often been painted in a tone of gloom and doom, with critics suggesting that we are bound to lose essential skills to our AI counterparts, a phenomenon we can call the "ChatGPT effect." Yet the reality is that losing certain skills to AI, much like the advent of calculators and the internet, is not only inevitable but also beneficial to human progress.

Science & Technology

Business Network Health — Why You Must Prioritize It (and What It Could Cost If You Don't)

When your network cannot deliver a seamless customer service experience, your company loses income. Here's how and why your business needs to prioritize its network health.

Business News

Former Google Recruiter Shares 'The No. 1 Thing I Don't Want to See on a Resume'

Text bricks are a no-no, according to the CEO of talent marketplace Continuum.

Growing a Business

Why Focusing on KPIs Too Much Can Backfire

There's a big problem with glorifying KPIs — or at least relying on them too much. And too many companies today are falling into this trap.