

10 of The Biggest Business Blunders In 2024 (So Far)

Think our largest brands are being run by the best and the brightest? These ten examples will make you think differently.


A 5-Step Guide For Weighing In On Hot-Button Issues At Work

For business leaders, weighing in on current issues has become a minefield. Here's a framework for deciding when and how to speak up.

Business News

Amazon CEO: Retailer Won't Remove Anti-semitic Film Linked By Kyrie Irving

Andy Jassy said his company will "allow customers to make the decision whether they want to watch it or not."

Business News

Judge Grants Nike's Request to Block Sale of Lil Nas X's Controversial Sneakers

The controversy-courting Grammy winner's Satan Shoes reportedly contain a drop of blood from each member of the MSCHF collective.

Business News

Black Executive Declines Board Appointment After CEO Mistook Him for a Valet

Attorney Adonis Hoffman rescinded his bid to be a board member at broadcast company Tegna after CEO Dave Lougee allegedly handed him his valet ticket.

Business News

Papa John's Founder Tries to Clarify Eyebrow-Raising Comment Made During Interview

John Schnatter turned heads on social media after he told OANN that he was trying to "get rid of" the N-word in his vocabulary.

News and Trends

Wednesday Wisdom: 4 Lessons to Learn From Hardik Pandya's Unfortunate Episode

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How to Navigate the Murky Waters of Taking a Stand on Social Issues

Use your clout as an entrepreneur to be the change agent you wish to see in the world.

Social Media

Small Business Strong: How to Effectively Take a Stand on Social Media

Listen before speaking out, and prepare your people in advance for dealing with controversy.

Starting a Business

This U.K. Startup Wants to Be the New Airbnb of Hospitals -- But People Aren't Having It

Would you stay in a stranger's home to recover and trust them to take care of you?

News and Trends

#6 Resignations That Have Created Quite a Stir

Employee of a US company wrote a message to his boss, conveying his decision to resign, on a cake

Business News

The Fight Over Water: When Business and Politics Collide

Controversial water project is back up for debate.

Business News

Patent Office Sides With Kylie Minogue: Kylie Jenner's Attempt to Trademark Shared First Name Is Not Cool

The singer's representatives had dismissed Jenner as a 'secondary reality television star' in their bid to stop her from trademarking the name 'Kylie' in the U.S.

Business News

Zara Is the Latest Perpetrator of T-Shirt Outrage Thanks to a Gluten-Themed Crop Top

The retailer pulled a shirt that reads: 'Are You Gluten Free?' after it drew mixed reactions.

Business News

After Sexist Comments, Tennis Tournament Chief Raymond Moore Resigns

His comments on women in tennis were widely denounced, including by Serena Williams and Martina Navratilova.