Ben Winck

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Business News

To Fight Sky-High Inflation, the Federal Reserve Just Raised Interest Rates Three Times Faster Than Usual — And the Most Since 1994

The increase marks an escalation of the central bank's effort to cool the highest inflation since 1981.

Business News

GameStop, AMC, and Other Reddit Favorites Climb as Day Traders Look to Reignite Momentum

The group of previously unloved stocks has fluctuated in recent sessions as bullish momentum locks horns with profit-taking.

Business News

Verizon Climbs 4% After Warren Buffett Reveals Nearly $9 Billion Investment

Berkshire Hathaway invested $8.6 billion in Verizon stock through the quarter that ended December 31.

Business News

Robinhood Clients Say Platform Has Removed GameStop and AMC, and Is Only Allowing Holders to Sell

The move comes after traders organizing on Reddit forums furiously bid up the shares in an unprecedented short squeeze.

Business News

How Reddit Day Traders Are Using the Platform to Upend the Stock Market and Make Money in the Process

Retail investors on Reddit are boosting GameStop shares in defiance of hedge funds and investing norms, and one expert sees the unconventional rally as a sign "the institutions are losing some control."

Business News

What 5 Top Execs Think About the Prospect of More Economic Stimulus

Earnings season kicked off on Tuesday, and executives are sounding off on the stimulus stalemate and the risks it poses to the ongoing economic recovery.

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