Doggie Day Care

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Day-care facilities for dogs are becoming increasingly popular, especially as more and more caring dog owners are realizing the benefits of leaving their beloved dogs at day care with other dogs instead of at home alone while they are at work. Dogs, like people, are social creatures and need contact with people and other dogs to become well-behaved and confident. However, a doggie day care should not be confused with a kennel, which boards animals for short- and long-term time spans. A doggie day care is strictly a drop off in the morning and pick up in the evening, or anytime during the day, type of operation. If space allows and your neighbors don't mind the barking, you can open at home. A better alternative is to rent commercial warehouse space and convert it into a doggie day spa, complete with water features, fenced outdoor space and indoor couches to ensure your clients have all the creature comforts they are used to at home. Some doggie day-care centers install web cams throughout their facility so people at work can watch the live footage online. Current rates are in the range of $20 to $35 per day, with discounts for weekly service.

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