Independent Music Label

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Independent music labels have become a mainstay in North America, and the rise in numbers of independent music labels rest solely with the creation and subsequent popularity of the internet. Independent music labels now have the ability to level the playing field with their larger and better financed competition by marketing new bands, performers and music online. Furthermore, never in the history of music has there been such a wide variance of musical styles available to suit everyone's musical tastes--everything from jazz and hip-hop to electronica and good ol' rock 'n' roll. The key to successfully starting and operating an independent music label will rest squarely in your ability to secure the right musical acts and performers to sign, market and promote. The startup costs are high for this unique entertainment venture, but the profit potential is also very high.

The Market

Your customers are music-lovers all over the world. But you'll also need to attract the attention of performers and stores that might sell the music.

Independent Music Label Ideas


If you have a way with words and like being in front of a crowd, try being an auctioneer.

Music Lessons

Share the sound of music with your students.

Murder Mystery Parties

Have a flair for the dramatic? Host murder mystery parties.

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