Talent Agent for Children

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Are you searching for a low-investment home based business opportunity that has the potential to be a lot of fun and potentially very profitable? If so, perhaps you should consider starting a talent agency for child actors. This type of business is a very easy to start and there will certainly be no shortage of potential clients as many children dream about hamming it up for the camera. Currently, agents for child actors are charging a commission rate of between and 10 and 20 percent of their client's earnings. Many agents also represent children in this modeling profession as well those involved in voiceover work for radio and TV. To gain exposure to producers and directors for the business, start an e-mail, letter and personal visit campaign promoting your talent agency, clients and services.

Talent Agent for Children Ideas

Doll Making

Hand-crafted dolls can bring joy to children and profits to your business.

Children's Books and Software Store

If you know what kids want to see in their books and software, sell it.

Children's Books by Children

Try this unique publishing concept: books for children, by children.

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